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Finals Present Your Startup

  • Philharmonie Lange Begijnestraat Haarlem, NH, 2011 HH Netherlands (kaart)

Present Your Startup is proud to announce the 5 finalists of Present Your Startup the Netherlands 2019. The finals will take place in the Philharmonie in Haarlem on the 4th of December. The 5 finalists will pitch on stage and compete for the title of ‘Winner of Present Your Startup The Netherlands 2019’. After the winner’s announcement, the night will end with congratulatory drinks.

The program of PYS
Present Your Startup is a program and competition event happening each year, enabling the entrepreneurs of tomorrow to start a change today. Customized training, specific investor matchmaking and an innovative community are examples of the features the program offers.

For this year’s edition, 80 startups applied. Out of Present Your Startup’s 2019 class, the top five companies will pitch during the Finals. Read more about this year’s finalists here.

17:00 VIP program
19:00 Walk in main program
19:30 Pitches by finalists Tickete, Best3minutes, Triple Threat, Bubbles Bodycare & Glampop
21:30 Announcement winner Present Your Startup 2019
21:45 Drinks
23:00 End

Latere gebeurtenis: 13 februari
Introductiedag Present Your Startup Alkmaar