is een accelerator programma en organiseert sinds 2014 jaarlijks live pitch events voor startups die op zoek zijn naar financiering.
Present Your Startup begeleidt startups en brengt hen met gevestigde bedrijven en investeerders in contact.
Zoek jij naar financiering om je bedrijf te laten groeien?
Wat onze deelnemers zeggen..
“Present Your Startup was een hele mooie ervaring en beleving. We zijn bezig met de tweede financieringsronde en toch was het goed om te zien dat we vanuit Present Your Startup veel nieuwe dingen hebben geleerd en dat ze ons goed op weg hebben geholpen om die tweede ronde goed te kunnen financieren.”
“Winning this competition has taught us so much, that we are confident we can look for a brighter future. For every other startup out there, a program like PYS really helps you understand what you are lacking to succeed”.
Daniel van Drunen, Founder of Airchip
“PYS has given DeMonth a platform and equipment to grow. The program really invests in you and now DeMonth's future is brighter than ever before!”.
Gideon Boadu co-founder of DeMonth
“Pitchen in 3 minuten om een investeerder te overtuigen was een grote uitdaging, en het beste wat ik ooit heb geleerd om mijn business op te schalen”.
Selima Ajaoun, Founder and Creative Director of Aleeza
“PYS helped me to clarify my story. Not just to be able to explain it better to investors. Also to understand better what a fantastic adventure we have ended up being as a startup. PYS is almost a precondition for success as a startup”.
Maarten Strootman, Founder and CEO of Pepperfield
“PYS: professionele ondersteuning bij het opzetten van het businessplan en de 3 minuten-pitch. Steile leercurve gedurende het gehele traject en een super gezellig team. Een unieke combinatie en een echte aanrader”.
Sander van Doorn, Founder and CEO of Circuvorm
“Extremely proud to have won the PYS competition! Big thanks to Valerie Vallenduuk and her team for building up the program over the years.”
David Beckett, CEO of Best 3 Minutes
“The PYS program has been incredibly beneficial in finetuning my product and go to market strategy, providing feedback on all aspects.”
Desiree Bos, Founder of Tickete
“PYS provides valuable skills and network to help you move further in your entrepreneurial journey. The program gave me the right tools to feel confident and comfortable on stage.”
Jake Raijmann, Founder of GlamPop
“I have gained experience, contacts and a lot of knowledge. PYS has created new adventures and opens new doors. It has put me and my team through a focus flow and has accelerated everything”
Phillip Schemmekes, co-founder of Triple Threat
"Through the program I was coached by investors."
August de Vocht, CEO of NoFoodWasted
“PYS is a very valuable program and experience. It has exceeded all my expectations. With the training, guidance and all new relevant contacts it brought me, PYS has given me the best support for taking my start-up to the next level!”.
Maike van den Brand, Founder of Bubbles Bodycare
"Doors opened that would otherwise remain closed for me."
Bart Verweijen, CEO of Waterly
"You extend your network with startups and with interesting companies and investors by participating."
Tim van Pappelendam, CEO of Maester
"Each meeting ensured that we took action on company structure, on the product, on our view of funding."
Willemijn Schneyder, CEO Swipeguide
"It is like you surround yourself with a new family."
Pauline Roelofs, Founder of Besized